Hokie Half 2018
I ran the 6th annual Hokie Half Marathon on September 23, 2018 in 1:52:47 . That is a personal record by 5 minutes. I was using this race as a benchmark to see if I was doing better on distance as I prepare for the Donna Finish Breast Cancer Marathon in February of 2019, which will be my first full marathon. I improved my time here by 5 minutes, but even better, I am not sore. My last three halves ended with knee pain that made walking tough for a couple days. Today, no pain, cramps or etc. so, I am getting more confident about a full 26.2 mil es at the Donna Finish Breast Cancer 12TH ANNUAL DONNA MARATHON WEEKEND in Jacksonville Florida. This race started at 7 am on Sunday morning, so I stayed the night in Blacksburg. I was able to pick up my packet Saturday night and get a good nights sleep. I arrived at the Virginia Tech football stadium parking lot by 6:15 AM and catch the shuttle to the start line. There were plenty of porta potties and buses ...